Archived News
Dr Runyao Duan wins 2010 UTS ECR Grant (QCIS news)
02 March 2010
Dr Runyao Duan, Director of the QCIS Quantum Computation Laborabotory, has won one of 18 ECR grants under the UTS Early Career Researcher Grants Scheme for 2010. In all, 52 applications were received.
A paper by Dr Yuan Feng et al was accepted by POPL2011
04 October 2010
The paper titled 'Bisimulation for quantum processes' by Yuan Feng, Runyao Duan, and Mingsheng Ying was accepted by the 38th ACM SIGACT-SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL). POPL is the most prestigious conference in programming language theory, with the average Paper Acceptance Rate lower than 20%.
Associate Professor Sanjiang Li – winner of the 2010 UTS Early Career Research Excellence Award.
07 October 2010
The QC Lab and QCIS are very pleased to announce that A/Professor Sanjiang Li has won the inaugural 2010 UTS Early Career Research Excellence Award. Mor details on the awards, and the 2010 winners, can be found at:
Finalists for the Chancellor's Medal for Exceptional Research.
07 October 2010
Dr Runyao Duan, Dr Yuan Feng, and Prof Mingsheng Ying from the QC Lab were finalists for the UTS Chancellor's Medal for Exceptional Research. More information about the UTS medals and research awards can be found at:
Prof Mingsheng Ying and Dr Yuan Feng have been successfully awarded an ARC Discovery Project.
25 October 2010
The total amount of this project is AUD 300,000. The QC Lab congratulates Prof Ying and Yuan on their success!
Dr Yuan Feng has been successfully awarded an ARC Future Fellowship.
17 November 2010
The Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, Senator the Hon Kim Carr, has determined the outcomes of the recent Australian Research Council Future Fellowships scheme round for funding commencing in 2010 . We are very pleased to announce that Dr Yuan Feng has won an ARC Future Fellowship, one of only three won by UTS.
Research position available in Quantum Computation Laboratory
21 March 2011
Two-year postdoctoral research position with expected start date in June 2011; Undertake research funded by the Australia Research Councils’ Discovery Project Scheme
Two PhD Scholarships ($30K per year stipend) in Quantum Computation and Quantum Information available
29 September 2011
QCL is now looking for two PhD students to conduct researchs in quantum computation and quantum information. Each student will be fully supported by a scholarship with annual tax-exempt stipend of $30,000 for three years full time with the possibility of a six months extension and will be awarded on a competitive basis. Closing date of Application: 1 December 2011