Two PhD Scholarships ($30K per year stipend) in Quantum Computation and Quantum Information available
29 September 2011
Two PhD Scholarships ($30K per year stipend) in Quantum Computation and Quantum Information available at University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) The Quantum Computation Laboratory (QCL) was established in September 2008 as one of five research laboratories in the Centre for Quantum Computation & Intelligent Systems, a University of Technology, Sydney Priority Investment Research Program. QCL researches and develops software for quantum computation and techniques for quantum information processing. In the short time since its establishment, QCL has achieved highly significant research breakthroughs, published a large number of publications in high-profile journals, and established collaborative research links with several internationally renown leaders in the quantum computation field. QCL is being recognised as a world-class laboratory for quantum computation and quantum information. QCL is now looking for two PhD students to conduct researchs in quantum computation and quantum information. Each student will be fully supported by a scholarship with annual tax-exempt stipend of $30,000 for three years full time with the possibility of a six months extension and will be awarded on a competitive basis. The scholarships are available now and can commence as soon as the applications are accepted. Selection Criteria • Undergraduate or Master degree, preferably with honours, in Mathematics, Computer Sciences, Information Theory, Quantum Physics, or other related discipline. • Basic knowledege of quantum information and quantum computation • Demonstrated research ability or experience • Good communication and interpersonal skills. Expression of interest (deadline: 1 December 2011) Applications must include the following: • Curriculum vitae with your qualifications, research experience and publications • A certified copy of academic transcripts • A summary of your research interests • The names and contact details of at least two referees • Proposed starting date if offered a place For further information or to submit and application please contact A/Prof. Runyao Duan by e-mail at